Monday, June 24, 2024

My sons gave me a newer laptop

and I'm working out it's various settings.  It has over 3 times the RAM of my other laptop and a much faster, much larger hard drive.  IT's still an experience, since they went through and updated all of my software, and much of it, has changed features, or eliminated some of them.  So couple that with my health being not the best at the moment, posting may or may not be like my normal posts.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Posting may be very erratic the next few days

 I have gall stones, and my gall bladder is acting up.  Couple that with my arthritis acting up from the tropical storm, and I'm not in the best of shape at the moment.  I've spent more time in bed than I have vertical in my chair.  And between the pain and general discomfort I'm feeling, I will probably be posting rather irregularly.

My apologies to my readers and subscribers.

Violent Crime Skyrocketing Under Biden, According to Biden’s Favorite Data Source -

 Joe Biden flip-flops on violent crime rates – sometimes they’re going up, sometimes they’re going down – depending on who is in the audience. He uses two vastly different data sources to create his mixed messages.

Biden cites FBI data when trying to convince voters that crime is not out of control, so they feel safe in their communities and reelect him to office. But when he panders to the gun-ban industry, advocates for an “assault weapon” ban, or announces yet another infringement of the Second Amendment as part of his ongoing war on guns, Biden cites mass-shooting data from the Gun Violence Archive.

To be clear, the Gun Violence Archive, which has been widely debunked, collects much more than just mass-shooting data, but Biden never uses any of these statistics. He only cherry-picks GVA’s mass-shooting data, for obvious reasons. The other data shows violent crime has exploded during his presidency – especially when compared to President Donald J. Trump’s term in office.

“Crime is either up or it’s down, but Joe wants to have it both ways, depending upon who he’s talking to,” said nationally syndicated talk radio host, Mark Walters, who first spotted the trend. “And it was only a matter of time before the rest of that GVA data came back to bite him.”

Nearly every type of shooting death tracked by the GVA over the past 10 years increased substantially after Biden took office: Deaths (willful, malicious and accidental), mass shootings, deaths of children (age 0-11, age 12-17), unintentional shootings and suicide by firearms all increased under the Bide-Harris administration.

Click the link to read the whole article:  Violent Crime Skyrocketing Under Biden

Even the CDC Admits its Latest Anti-gun Report is Misleading and Full of Holes -

Three teenage girls were alone in their Lawrence County, Kentucky home one hot summer day in 2019. Suddenly, a white car pulled up and two men got out. One man started kicking in the front door. The second suspect circled around to the backyard and began breaking out a window with a shovel. The youngest of the girls, who was 14-years old at the time, found and loaded the family’s 9mm pistol and fired a round at one of the suspects, who both quickly left.

In 2021, a 12-year-old boy armed himself after two masked home invaders broke into his grandmother’s home demanding money. One of the suspects shot the 73-year-old woman, which prompted the youth to return fire in self-defense. Police later found one of the suspects curled up on his side in an intersection near the home. He was transported to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead. The grandmother survived her wounds.

In February, a 14-year-old Houston-area teen fired six rounds at an intruder who was trying to break into his home through the front door. Police found the suspect, who was wearing gloves and carrying a backpack, in the front yard where he was pronounced dead.

Click the link to read the whole article:  CDC Admits its Latest Report Misleading