Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My kids

to cut down any confusion about my kids I'm going to post this to help you.

daughter #1 child #1 13 years old, thinks she is in charge and not me

daughter #2 child #2 12 years old, thinks she's ugly even though she is quite beautiful she's also a book worm and a nerd, she is very very smart and always has her nose in a book to the setriment to her friend situation

son #1 child #3 10 years old has Aspergers syndrome, in the Autism Spectrum of Disorders, hard to understand his speech but still very very smart kid.

daughter #3 child #4 9 years old, if it's Barbie or Princess stuff she HAS to have it she has also been diagnosed ADD, NOT ADHD, but ADD which I myself have in addition to dyslexia, me not her. Math still gives her problems but we're working on it.

son #2 child #5 5 years old has an unusual type of epilepsy which is controlled through Dilantin 3 times a day. The neurologist hopes he'll grow out of it.

son #3 child #6 5 years old no physical problems just needs to get some more exercise starting to get a little chunky.

son #4 child #7 4 years old, and quite good at doing what you don't want him to. and very smart at figuring out how to take things apart.

I love them all whatever their faults are, they are my babies, and even though at times they make me want to rip out what is left of my hair, I wouldn't trade them for anything.


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