Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fairness Doctrine

From Wikipedia

"The Fairness Doctrine was a regulation of the United States' Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which required broadcast licensees to present controversial issues of public importance, and to present such issues in what was deemed an honest, equal and balanced manner. It has since been repealed by the FCC and aspects of it have been questioned by courts"

This regulation which has been abolished by the FCC since August 1987 has been re-introduced by Representative Dennis Kucinich evidently as the opening salvo of his bid for the Whitehouse in the 2008 election, along with Representative Maurice Hinchley, Representative Louise Slaughter, and Senator Bernie Sanders. This legislation has been decried by conservatives in the media as a way of the liberal media, to receive equal time to present their views. Conservatives have fired back saying that is simply a way keep their views from being expressed or to halve their time on the airwaves.

This on the heels of Air America's Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filing and it's various cash flow problems. Have led to some speculation that the renewal of the Fairness Doctrine is revenge for Air America's failure and a stab at censorship of the airwaves by the liberal left. There is also the possibility that the Democratic members of Congress are attempting an end run to eliminate any advantages republican Presidential Candidates might gain through the airwaves.

Why this sudden rush to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine"? According to some sources it is the owners of Conservative radio shows and radio stations who will not allow opposing views to be broadcast. It has nothing to do with I don't know the lack of RATINGS of the shows being broadcast by Air America. I mean come on who can resist the rantings of ChuckD, Randi Rhodes, Ms. Rhodes again, Mike Malloy, what about the actions of the founders? The founders of the network embezzled funds from Gloria Wise Boy and Girls Club of New York. Do you hear this being broadcast by the liberal media? and lets not forget the premium host of the network Al Franken.

Tell me why should we bring back the Fairness Doctrine, if the so called opposing viewpoint which is not being heard, is nothing but a series of personal rants unsubstantiated by any shred of truth or proof, meant to whip up a hysterical reaction, and in many cases, actually are blatantly false and border on slander if not actually slanderous.

Why should we bring back the fairness doctrine to allow individuals like these with a personal agenda to spew their hatred and vitriol across our Public Airwaves?


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