Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Term Limits......

Many years ago President George Washington set a precedent of only serving 2 terms and not running for a third. Until Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the former Govenor of New York won his unprecednted third and fourth term as President of the United States of America in 1940 and 1944 (FDR, BIO), President roosevelt gave us the New Deal which re-energized our nations economy, which was going through the Great Depression with it's bank failures and total collapse of the stock market. It was America's worst financial disaster to that time. FDR with his programs brought our country out of the ruins and put us back on the road to recovery. Then something happened. It's name was Adolph Hitler and the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NAZI party. It was thought that to change the Presidency in troubling times was asking for trouble. So he won his third term. In 1944 with the U.S. still fully engaged in the war it was deemed unwide to change leaders at that time and he won his fourth term. he didn't get to serve his full term though. he died at his estate less than 100 days after his inauguraton and his Vice President, Harry Truman ascended to the Presidency. President Truman served the remainder of President Roosevelt's term and in a surprising victory won a second term. However Congress jealous of it's power that it had lost under a strong president such as Roosevelt, took steps to see to it that it would not happen again. hence the Twenty-Second Amendment to The Constitution of The United States. ere is some more of the history behind this amendment. Congress, in essensce was going to prevent any strong politician from ascending to the Presidency and upsetting the "Balance". However the balance would be heavily weighted in congresses favor with them holding the power of the purse-strings and the ability to handicapp the president at will through filibustering which would allow any bill the President favored to be held up either on the floor of congress or in commitee.

Do you see where this is leading? A group of individuals use their power to limit the main threat to their own power, and do it to further their own ends.

What are their ends? What do they want? What are they supposed to be doing? Congress is supposed "make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof" Instead they are playing petty politics and giving favor to special interest groups and playing with campaign funds and dabbling in outright corruption. It was my understanding that the members of Congress worked for their Constituients i their home district. Not for themselves or some PAC or their own interests. Am I wrong?

This is one of the reason I believe that we need to inact strong Term Limits, which affect our federal legislators. Many states already have term limits in place, however the politicians are doing thier best to get them eliminated.

If you are interested here is a link to states which have enacted term limits.

And here is a Link to an Organiztion to help get Term Limits Enacted.

Just for your eddification here is a link to your congressmembers "Influence" in congress.

You tell me who has more influence. the old timers with more tha 3-4 terms or the younger members many states are electing to try to effect change in congress?


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