Friday, July 27, 2007

May I suggest to you....

The long awaited collaboration between Matt G., Ambulance Driver, and Babs RN is complete. I suggest you go and read them starting

Here: Matt G.

Continues Here: Ambulance Driver

And Finishes Here: Babs RN

I strongly Suggest you read it with a box of tissues handy.



  1. Well you don't think I'd quit reading your blog after interviewing you did ya? :)

  2. Thanks for the link, Mark.

    See what a little nagging gets you?

    (I'm joking, of course.)

    (...about the "little" part...)

  3. See what a little nagging gets you?

    Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

    Would that that were true in the case of anyone but you.


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