Thursday, July 19, 2007

Officer Mike Mette

Last night I spoke of Officer Michael Mette and his Conviction and Sentence to 5 years in Prison for Felony Assault. For defending himself from a drunken privileged idiot, whose daddy happens to own one of the largest trucking companies in Iowa. to read more of the story I direct you here. After you read the information there, see if you can answer this question.

After already retreating once, why should Officer Mette have retreated a second time from the drunken noob who had already struck him 3 times?

Seriously, with all the laws of Castle Doctrine and no Duty to Retreat laws currently on the books or proposed. I find the actions of the Dubuque Prosecutor and the Judge especially hienous and reprehensible. When you can not defend yourself from attack, the lunatics have taken over the asylum, and we as a nation are in trouble of losing all of our freedoms which we hold dear.

Here endeth the Lesson


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