Friday, July 6, 2007

Well guys it's only been 16 hours and there are already 70+ listeners to the archive. from Idaho, to Virginia MIT, The NRC, and other governmental entities all OVER the place. We should do that again.....



  1. Just wanted to say I appreciate your forum, Mark. You highlight some of my favorite bloggers on the net. Kudos to you, my friend!

  2. Well I'd like to talk to all the Bloggers who are as articulate and enjoyable as you, Law Dog, Babs, Tam, Matt and too many others to name. I think everyone of you offers a unique veiw of life which must be shared and enjoyed.

  3. I read and enjoy each of the bloggers who participated in last night's discussion. I downloaded the archived show and listened this morning. Very enjoyable! I went back, several weeks ago, and listened to AD and LD's shows and I caught Babs'a couple of days after it aired. They were all great.

    It's great fun to put a voice to the names and see how close the real voice is to the one I hear in my head when reading their blogs. It was especially fun to hear them all interacting with each other. Thanks for all your effort in putting these interviews together. I really enjoy them!

  4. If you know of a blogger who you would like to hear, send me an e-mail with thier url and I'll give it a look.


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