Friday, September 28, 2007

Did I do something wrong?

That the NY State Atty General's Office would look at my page? Not once but TWICE. I don't think I have... If you're from the NY State Atty Generals office, how about leaving me a comment please? Did I do soething wrong? Or are you just checking out my cool site?



  1. Don't sweat it Mark, I got a bunch of hits from Nasa last week.

  2. Bah, ya both on the list. Jest remember ya is being watched and Big Bro wuvs you.

    *evil grin*

  3. Yeah and I need to get a worm program written to clear me out of the main databases when the kids and I traipse off to our secluded island getaway. as soon as I win the lottery and buy it that is :)

  4. Jest remember us little folk and share the wealth. I'll be the IT and Paramilitary Grand Pumba for the island nation of whatever you call it after all you bought it.

    We can get LD to be the head of the secret police and the rest of the gang and hhhheeeeyyyy...

    Isn't there some WWII anti-aircraft platform for sale?

    Wonder if it has missles....can we get a navy? Go to war with the US and then surrender to have them rebuild us?

    This is going to take some hurry up and win the lotto and I'll take care of the rest. hehe


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