Sunday, September 9, 2007

I don't want to beg.....

But if anyone would like to donate to help me with my show, I can really, really use a new cartridge for my printer and a couple reams of paper. I'm currently getting ready to print off a list of all the victims of the 9/11 attack, and my printer even though its set for the lowest resolution is already complaining. the full list, is setup so my weak eyesight could see it, is 92 pages. I'm hoping while the kids are at school tomorrow I can use my recording progam to record me reciting the whole list of names, so I can play it on my show tomorrow night 9/11, in honor of all the people killed in the attack.

I don't ask for much but I can use help with printer cartridges and paper for my printer.

If you wish to help, my printer is a Lexmark 6100 series and I can really use Cartridge #82 the black cartridge.

Please e-mail me at txfellowship (at) yahoo dot com


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