Sunday, September 23, 2007

Law Dog, Ambulance Driver, Babs RN, Oleg Volk, Matt G, Squeeky Wheel

The following links are the direct links to the Interviews of some really great bloggers.

Law Dog's first appearance: 5/8/07
Law Dog's Interview: 5/11/07
Ambulance Driver: 5/18/07
Oleg Volk: 6/1/07
Babs Rn: 6/8/07
Matt G - The roundtable: 7/6/07
Squeeky Wheel: 9/14/07

My Other Interviews......

Dave from Corpus Christi Spook Central: 5/27/07
Alison from Skeptical Analysis: 6/3/07
Presidential Candidate Ray McKinney: 8/26/07

I'm still trying to get Tamera to come on, but no such luck so far. if you like someone's blog, and would like me to interviews them send me an e-mail with a link to thier blog and I'll see what I can work out.

Tenative interview with Old NFO, when he is back in the states and rested.



  1. *studying old interviews religiously*

    I'm so gonna tank this.

    But hey, at least it'll be entertaining for everyone else, right?

  2. Giver yourself some credit. If you can write an intelligent enjoyable blog, an interview from me should be a piece of cake. :)

  3. Farmgirl, it's so not a big deal. :-)


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