Monday, September 24, 2007

Officer Michael Mette

Tonights Show was about what in my personal opinion was the railroading of Chicago Police Officer Michael Mette. Given the information I currently have that is my opinion of the situation. So I submit to anyone with an interest in this case, if you have more information for me or wish to refute any information I currently have send it to me. Here is my E-mail Address, txfellowship (at) yahoo (dot) com If you wish to come on the air and refute anything I have said or add to it, send me an e-mail and I'll schedule it. I'm not trying to shut out any information. If you have it send it to me and I'll put it or you on the air. I am going to try to get either Officer Mette or someone with the information on his case on the air in the next few days.

The show will play here on my blog for the next 23 hours, then the next show be up. If you wish to hear it the direct link is below.

9/24/07 Show


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