Friday, September 21, 2007

Something Beautiful from a Talented young Lady

Reposted with permission from : Rainy Day Dreams

I am from

I am from sweet potato pies, fried chicken and pinto beans.
I am from birthday parties with a BBQ with all the fixin’s.
I am from my special green blanket, softer than a bunny rabbit.
I am from midnight walks down my street.

I am from a neighborhood with a long straight road lined with red and purple flowering trees.
I am from Allen Road, Sugarloaf, and others.
I am from North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee.

I am from Nana and Papaw Jim, Nanny and Dab-a-doo, Pappaw and Mimi.
I am from Justin, Becky and E.
I am from family reunions, funerals, and weddings.
I am from Peanut Butter Balls and Potato Candy, turkey and ham, pumpkin pie, apple cider
and hot chocolate with BIG marshmallows.

I am from Germany, Ireland, Scotland, and England.
I am from Martha Washington’s family.
I am from opening one gift on December 21.

I am from “You look just like your Momma”.
I am from the motto “Opportunity is missed by most because
it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”.
I am from “Don’t let anyone get you down”.
I am from “Don’t EVER quit!”

I am from being around the people I love.
I am from loving the sun, adoring the cross,
admiring the moon and stars, and absolutely mad for butterflies.

I am from Creed, Switchfoot, The GooGoo Dolls,
Hinder, 30 Seconds to Mars, System of a Down, and
both contemporary and classical music as well.

I am from all of these.
But also from more.
I am from hatred, angst, jealousy, and anger.
I am also from compassion, integrity, loyalty and honesty.

I am from Me.

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