Sunday, October 7, 2007

Exciting day for me....

I just got back from the Emergency department. My Ex-Wife hasn't been feeling well for the last few days, and it got worse earlier after our daughter performance in the Sea Fair Parade in town. So she took herself to the Hospital to get checked out. 4 hours later she hadn't called or anything so #1 daughter Mary and I, plus #1a Daughter Roxann went to the hospital to check on her. We got there at 10:30 pm, and it's now 4:15 am as I write this and I JUST walked in the door. She was extremely dehydrated has an infection and a cold. she's doing much better now, but I missed my show, and I have to be upto in a few hours to start the day. UGH... I think I'm taking the day off. Good night...



  1. The show'll keep.

    Glad to hear she's doing better.

  2. Family first, especially with seven daughters with which to contend. Mom is still mom after all.

    Good to hear she'll be okay and is getting better. Pedialyte is the best to drink, even better then Gatorade really for dehydration. A bottle or two will do unless processing is heavy then you might need a continual supply until it passes (no pun intended).

    It's scary how people don't seem to understand that dehydration is easy to get and will put you in a "face plant" VERY quickly. Water is the bodies oil and we should all know what happens to an ICE engine without enough oil...hehe.

    Course she is female..*ducks*

  3. I hope your ex is feeling better - it's so easy to get run down and exhausted and to have something small turn into pneumonia. Take care of yourself, too!


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