Sunday, October 21, 2007

I had my first radio troll

I was doing my show with Gene, AD and Babs, when a caller called in asking if I liked my show and did I want more listeners and was I serious about my show. Uhhhh, well I've done over 110 shows since april, 6 nights a week unless I or one of my kids is sick. So I think I'm serious, I don't know who he was schilling for but I'm happy where I'm at, so I just hung up on him and we finsihed out the show. If you would like to know more about HIPAA, please give it a listen.

Link is HERE


ps thanks for the 5 star rating :)


  1. Well, he was good for a laugh, anyway - the joke was on him ;) I knew something was up when he hemmed and hawed around about asking his question and wasn't even listening to you. Couldn't you just picture the guy from the voice and speech pattern? Some chainsmoking dimwit white trash redneck taking time out from scamming the system for a few Lorcets to call in from his prepaid cellphone because, since it's getting on toward the end of the month and his welfare check has already been spent, he's run out of beer money and his girlfriend (who was the one who had a car)took off because got tired of being beat on so he has nothing better to do on a Saturday night?

    You get the feeling I hear that same tone and speech pattern a lot around here? I know it was a Los Angeles area code but that was no Los Angelene.

  2. That made me gigle just thinking about it. I've had e-mail and IM's from people telling me I need to try "This" new internet radio site or "That" one, or Internet radio has to "DIE" or some other stuff. I just want them to leave me alone. I"m happy where I'm at.


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