Monday, October 1, 2007

Mike Mette Update.

CNN did a story on Chicago Police Officer Mike Mette, and his conviction and sentencing of 5 years for defending himself. Mike family have sent me information on Mike's case and after I read the story, I had a few questions as certain findings of fact which are in the court records are NOT presented in the article. Painting Officer Mette in a bad way. I e-mailed the reporter who wrote the story, asking if he would be willing to come on my show and talk "On the record" as to the validity of the story. Today, in my sitemeter logs I found this;

And in my E-mail a note not from the reporter but evidently someone from the legal staff of Turner Broadcasting, informing me that the reporter declines to come on my show due to the press of other things. I will not post the e-mail here, unless they realy annoy me. But if they wished to have me back off exposing thier blatantly biased article, the reporter would have been better served to reply to my e-mail personally. I realize that turner Broadcasting policies are that all such requests are sent to legal for vetting. But to have someone on the legal staff answer me instead of the reporter in question, strikes me as they are trying not to answer something. Here is the e-mail I sent to the reporter in question. I have redacted his e-mail address.

Is my request unreasonable? What, if anything, are they trying to hide?

I'll keep trying.


Update: These are two comments which I moderated and allowed to be posted. Here is also the sitemeter information for the person making the comments. where does Mr. Gothards family live? I have said many times. If ANYONE has verifiable information, please let me know. This is unsubstantiated claims by an anonymous poster. If you wish to make claims like this but don't want your ID known on the blog, send it to me in an e-mail. I will hold it private, but if I cannot verify the information, don't expect me to post it on my blog.

Again I still invite Mr. Gothard and his son and any reputable witnesses to come on my show and tell thier side of the story. I keep hearing about witnesses who saw Mike and Marc kicking Jake, yet I don't see thier statements given to the Police Department or the court. I hear hearsay, not documented verifiable facts.



  1. Heh, I told you, Big Brother wuvs you. Didn't say he would give you some of his time.

    But just keep posting about it and see if he doesn't come visit with his 'entourage' of "legal professionals'...hehe

  2. Can't get blood from a turnip. Or water from a rock.

  3. heh, don't mean they won't beat the turnip or the rock though.

    Course maybe you can sue your local sports team and get $11.7 million for thier "foul language".

    Shoot, even a tenth of that and the IRS (Infernal Ravagin Service) will love you.

  4. Be sure to verify the actual court records as the Mette family has shown they are compulsive liars.

  5. Mike Mette should notice how the Judge's ruling says pushed but Mette says struck. Also notice how they deleted the line "All any of the six had to do was get in the car, go inside the house or walk away and call the police about the disturbance". Who are they trying to fool?


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