Monday, October 15, 2007

My best friend was killed today.....

This is my dog Misty Lynn, my best friend. Today, someone speeding on my street, ran over her, and killed her. She isn't just a dog, she is one of my children, she was born 3 weeks before my 6 year old twin sons. She didn't like thunderstorms, or fireworks, when storms came she would climb in bed with me and try to get inside my shirt, when fireworks were going off she would get on my bed and hide under the covers. In the morning when the twins would walk to the bus stop she would walk with them and stay there until they got on the bus, then she would walk home and scratch at the door to be let in. When my youngest and I would walk out to the bus stop she would go with us and sit there until he got on the bus, then she and I would walk back to the house.

When I would get ready to go into town, Misty would be by my feet her tail waggin a hundred miles an hour, because she knew she was goin to go. I'd walk out and she would be right behind me. As I opened the door to my truck she would look at me waiting for permission to get in, I'd click my tongue at her and she would hop in and get in the passenger seat that tail flying so fast it was a blur and her whole rear end was moving with it.

She would let the kids put hats and clothes on her and she would play in the yard, racing around them as they drove thier battery operated trucks. She and I would play with each other as I cut the grass on the riding mower, she would charge at the mower barking and I would chase her with the mower and she would try to get behind me and snap at the tires. When she ran, she would use her rear legs as if they were tied together and she sort of bounced like a kangaroo.

She loved having her belly rubbed, and she loved to lick your face. If she had to go to the bathroom she would come up to you and use her little whine that only meant that she had to go out. She and the cats would play at times, she would chse them and they would suddenly stop raise up on thier back legs and swat her, and she would actually fall over as if she was dead, and the cat would then pounce on her. Then they would start over again.

The speed limit on my street is 25 mph. According to the shriffs deputy who came out and saw where she was struck and where her collar landed, said the person had to be goin at least 40+ mph. there are no speed limit signs on my street. There will be.

And to the person who thinks they only hit a dog and didn't bother to stop. you didn't just hit a dog, you hit one of my children and my best friend.

In the morning the kids aren't going to school. We have a funeral to attend to.



  1. *sigh* You have my condolences and prayers buddy. Losing a pet is bad enough under the best of circumstances. This way blows chunks.

    I hope you found the *ahem* individual that caused this and filed animal cruelty charges or something.

    Maybe a few years in the pokey will help them learn that speeding on residential streets is not good.

    But at least it wasn't a child...

  2. That's horrible. I am so sorry, Mark...I don't know what else to say.

  3. I'm very sorry for your loss. The driver of the car should be shot.

  4. I am so, so sorry about your pet. I've had that happen before and I understand your grief. I'm really sorry.

  5. Mark,

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Sorry for your loss.

    All the best as you try to recover.


  7. I'm so sorry. People who don't have four-legged children don't understand how loved they are.

  8. I am so, so sorry this happened! :(

    I'm even more sorry that this happened because some idiot was flying down a road where 25mph is the speed limit. I know she was your kid, but what if he'd actually hit a human kid? And kept driving? >.<

    I live in an apartment complex and our road ends in a cul-de-sac parking lot. I see a lot of people that fly down the road, speed bumps and all, much faster than they should (or need) to be going. Our neighborhood has a lot of kids, both two-legged and four-legged that run all over the place. I always worry something may happen to them, especially since neither species looks as they dash into the road.

  9. Gosh, I am SO sorry to learn of the tragic loss of your beloved family member. I think the fact that dogs like us so much is one of the best indicators that there might be something worthwhile about the human species, after all. They are such a blessing and every little quirk and habit of a dog can be so utterly endearing. Bless you and your family as you grieve.

  10. Mark, Phlegmmy just told of your loss. I AM SO SORRY. Thought I'd die when I lost my old best friend so I am hoping it goes easier for you somehow. I know, not likely - she sounded like a real treasure.

  11. I'm so, so sorry Mark, for you and your family.

    I've only had my pups since May, but I can't imagine life without them.

    For what it's worth, you have our heartfelt condolences.


  12. May God be with you Mark. He is with Misty Lynn.

    Best wishes........


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