Friday, November 2, 2007

For your Eddification

I am the Founding Member of the Missouri-Illinois MAAJC. What? You don't know what that is? Well let me expound upon what the MAAJC is.

Mindless And Aimless Journey Club.

the rules.......... Fill up the car, the cooler and the picnic basket. Spin a full bottle of Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew whichever your personal fave is. Whichever direction the bottle points, you and your companions drive. You will obey all traffic laws, you will in general drive 5-10 miles below the speed limit, you will NOT use any major highway, all side and back roads, and you keep going the direction the bottle pointed. Stop at any place that strikes your fancy, souvenir shop, roadside attraction, state park, anything as long as you keep going in the same general direction. Until you get to a 1/2 tank of gas. then you stop and break out the picnic basket and the cooler and you just kick back and enjoy your food and companionship. Then you head back to home. this is how I found out about all the wineries in Missouri, and Cahokia Mounds State Park and Learning center. Arrow rock in Missouri in between KC and Columbia Mo. It is a small frontier style town, with re-enactments everyone in period dress and Horehound candy .10 cents a stick. We picnicked on top of the Meremac River Bluffs, watching the canoers and jet skiers and all the kids swinging on the rope swing across the river. I found the Lewis and Clark historical site on the Missouri River, where they started their journey to find the source of the Mississippi river, the Locks and Dams and the Cahokia bypass channel. We drove to Nauvoo Illinois where the Mormons tried to find thier own place. I saw old wood bridges, and old homes and roads. I was glad I could take the time to slow down and just enjoy the beauty of nature and the simplicity of old architecture. If you would like to found a Chapter of the MAAJC, just drop me a line and I'll make you and official member, now if I can just get a fancy logo and maybe it's own website for member to post thier photo's of the Journey's.



  1. Remarkable what a little wanderlust and God's own creativity can lead you to ain't it?

    Been doing this for years and never realized it was an orgnaized

    I just called it "a walkabout with wheels."

  2. I'm just wishing I still had the pictures I took all those years ago. I used to have a picture of a Fawn eating out of the hand of my girlfriend at the time, while we were at a roadside park. I had pictures of otters in the missouri river laying on thier backs breaking mussels open with a rock, beavers on the illinois river moving wood. Ahhh, I wish I had had a digital camera way back when.

  3. Sounds like fun. My father was fond of the aimless Sunday drive thing, & back in the olden days the hubby & I used to do the same. Never with so many rules, though.

  4. Gotta love those day trips, especially in Southern California.


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