Sunday, February 17, 2008

Please Keep Sim

in your Prayers. He has been diagnosed with Bells Palsy, and has some paralysis. you can read more about it here.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blurb, any and all prayers help I think.

    Here's a bit of good news...because I'm in the diabetic study I got in, I am with an associate professor at Baylor College of Medicine. He is also a nerve doctor of all things.

    So, instead of spending a few days at Ben Taub, he gave me the medicine script I needed right fast. Started the treatments on Saturday!

    Face will be down for a bit though, maybe a few months. 85% chance I get a full "nothing residual" recovery and a 15% chance I have something left over. Not bad odds. Course the virus that caused this could head north into the brain and send me south for the long nap but, its not a real threat I think, very remote.

    So, I was right where I needed to be to get fast help...the medicine has already got the swelling that caused this down so...I'm ever hopeful.

    But, keep them prayers coming if you will (everyone). Never hurts I think.

    And thanks again Mark!


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