Thursday, March 6, 2008

If this is the religion of Peace

I would like to know what thier definition of Peace is.

Story 1

Story 2

It seems to me that the Radical Islamists are destroying Islam in the world view. By thier actions, they are shattering any morality of thier religion. Unfortunately, until other Muslims decide enough is enough, this will continue to happen. I am NOT saying that all Muslims, are bad, just that until all non-radicalist Muslims take a stand against the Radicals. These outrages will continue and a divide between all peace loving people and the radicalists will continue.



  1. Same could be said for the "Christians", though. Bombings of abortion clinics, demonstrations outside funerals of soldiers, the list goes on. Nothing Christlike in that but when it comes to radical extremists, most of the major religions have their share and all are highly dangerous.

  2. You are absolutely correct. Islam doesn't have a corner on the market of extremism, look at Rev Wildmon, and others here in the U.S. however the body counts are considerably less, which I should have also put in the post.

  3. Yeah, I'll grant even the Christian fundamentalists don't have a provision for anything like Jihad.


    But more and more people who call themselves Christians are advocating that sort of retaliation.

    I was just reading a short discussion on vengeance last night in Max Lucado's "When God Whispers Your Name" - he makes a good point: When we seek revenge we are playing God because that's His job.

  4. Very few Christians believe in Martyrdom. Unfortunately this is not true for certain Radical Islamist's. Please note I said RADICAL. I don't want anyone to misconstrue what I am saying or to purposely misrepresent it.


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