Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Some links to food shortage

Here are some links to food shortages in the news. The final link is a piece of history which I hope EVERYONE will read. That something like that should every occur in the United States is an anathma to me.

Here the links are:

Washington Times Story

Reuters Story

This story is the Historical one I wrote about. From the archives of the New York Times

NY Times article NOTE: this opens a PDF of the original article you must have Adobe Acrobat on your computer, if you don't click HERE to go to Adobe and get it.

Many people may think that I'm being alarmist, however if you read my profile you will find that I AM an Ordained Minister, which mean I DO read my bible. I'm not a religious nut, I don't think this is the end of the world, but I do have a responsibility to my children and to every one else.

Make your own judgements but please act.

God Bless


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