Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ok, now THIS has to be a conspiracy....

I have had to reboot, all 6 of the computers in the house after trying to read my e-mail, and Yahoo mail keeps locking up. The main things causing the lock ups that I have been able to identify? A Flash ad for the Obama campaign. According to the logs on all 6 computers says that both Firefox and Internet Explorer are locking up while calling for a shockwave module inside of the flash animation of the ad in question. Now before you ask I have 6 computers, from Pentium I's, Pentium II's and a Pentium III. Running from Windows 95, Windows 98 ,Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Professional. Being run on HP, Dell, Compaq, IBM and Gateway Computers. 3 of them are on the home network wirelessly, the other 3 are wired direct through a KVM switch. All of the computers are fully up to date, the A/V, Firewall, Anti-Spyware etc are all up to date as of last night. Time to disable Flash on my systems again......


UPDATE: I've found out what the problem is..... Since I use a bunch of older systems and operating systems, Flash 9.0 is having problems when it looks for a certain command set that is processor dependant. It's looking for a PIII operating at at least 400 mhz, and none of my systems, except my newest frankenstien monster which is running linux have. So, I've had to downgrade to an updated version of Flash 7 which is available here for anyone who is having problems with flash animations on their systems. You will have to un-install flash and then install this updated version of Flash 7.0


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