Thursday, July 17, 2008

Adventures in parenting

Some may be wondering where I've been the last few weeks. Well I haven't really gone anywhere, I've just been home with the kids. All seven of them. If I ran away would they bring me back? My hairline is retreating faster than ever, and my beard which was maybe 60% gray is almost 95% gray now. Between the kids destroying the house while I'm out and the computers doing really weird things which may or may not be kid created, I'm barely treading water. Then the financial hit starts. With the kids eating here at home instead of at school, food consumption here at the house has tripled. Add in trying keep the kids occupied by going to our families property 120 miles away, the beach in town 6 miles away and the beach in Port Aransas 18 miles away, the high cost of fuel has me struggling to make all the ends meet somewhere in the middle. Yesterday was my oldest sons 12th birthday. If he doesn't stop changing the settings on my computers he might not make it to 13.

Well I promise as soon as the kids go back to school I'll be posting more. Of course when they go back to school I hope to go back myself to finish my degree, of course changing from Paramedical-Technologies to History means my pre-requisites have changed. So I might be a little busy myself for a bit.




  1. I think you are very busy with your kids for their back to school preparation.

  2. I hear you! My blogging has dried up, as well...especially because I'm taking an online English class and am kept busy writing essays.

    Hang in there...the summer always seems to pass so quickly, just ask my kids...;)


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