Thursday, August 21, 2008

Apologies to listeners of my show

and readers of my blog.

I have been having some health problems that have precluded me from doing the show and updating the blog on a timely basis.

To wit. I have herniated 2 more disc's in my back/neck. The one in my neck is the worst of the two. I have very bad pain in my neck which radiates to my shoulder and halfway down my right upper arm, making my right index finger numb and tingly. It makes it very, very hard to sleep and also very hard to do almost anything. Driving is a very painful struggle and with getting ready for all 7 of the kids to go back to school I have been doing a LOT of driving. This morning it was so bad I had to go to the Emergency Department in Corpus because I was in so much pain I didn't feel I could drive the 35 miles back to the house. After talking to the DR and explaining the situation, the DR agreed with my assessment and gave me a shot of Toradol. Blessed Relief..... I was actually able to drive back home and get 3 un-interrputed hours of sleep, with minimal pain. Hopefully when I get to my Pain Management DR next tuesday, I will be able to get the nerve root injection performed. His office is already applying for approval from the insurance company. Hopefully the approval will be there so I can get the shot. In the future I might need to go ahead and get the surgery to get the disc removed and I don't know if they do a fusion on a cervical disc or if there is another option. All I know is that if the nerve rot injection doesn't help that may be my only option.

Apologies again to my listeners and readers. I'm going to try to be on schedule with the show and do more here on the blog. However pain makes it's own schedule and it doesn't always agree with mine.

God Bless you all



  1. I'm so sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the nerve root injection works.


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