Saturday, August 2, 2008

One is none two is one

A rather large group of very intelligent individuals that I am associated with, has this saying. "One is none, and two is one." What that means is if you only have one of something and it breaks you are out of luck. Hence if you have two of something and one breaks you have the other as a back-up. Now many people would say that this large group of people I gladly and willingly associate myself with are nuts for a certain belief we have. What is that belief? That there will be a breakdown in societal order at some time, and to prepare for it. What you consider a break-down and what I consider a break-down are probably 2 entirely different things. Many people look at the site and paint anyone associated with it with a broad paintbrush as crazy loonies who desire a societal breakdown. Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't desire to lose my power from a storm knocking over the powerlines. I don't desire the emergency responders to be so busy that my and my families personal safety are compromised, from something like a hurricane or an earthquake. I don't desire to have to defend myself and family and our belongings because individuals decide they want to take what is mine. But at the same time I realize that the possibility exists, that this situation has happened in the past and as our society's infrastructure grows, the possibility of it happening again grows with it. No system is ever fool proof, idiot proof, or disaster proof. As such I feel that as a repsonsible parent I need to prepare for the possibility that it will happen. As such I have back-ups, and back-ups to my back-ups.

A major hurricane hits the gulf coast region, (where I live currently) knocking out power for thousands if not millions of families. Roads are closed, flooded, covered in debris. I can't get to the store, and even if I could, the stores if they aren't closed from the lack of power might be flooded, and the goods it contains might be unusable/inedible. In all this one of my children falls and cuts themself. There is no ambulance the roads are closed, plus the emergency services are more than likely overwhelmed by others. The storm caused a tree to fall on the powerlines near my house, cutting power and phone service to my neighborhood. The lines are still live, and sparking, but they also supply the cell tower which is now under 2-3 feet of water so it's backup generator isn't operating either. That's right, no house phone, no cell phone, and no power, with a live electrical line arcing in standing water which may or may not be surrounding your house.

Or an earthquake hits, roads impassable, power out, no phone's cell phone's and you smell gas.

What are you going to do? What method do you have to protect your family? What preparations do you have to protect your family? How are you going to deal with an injury? What are you going to feed your family? If you have food how are you going to prepare it? Do you have clean drinking water? What about your sanitation needs? If the toilet won't flush?

One is none........

Two is one.........

Preparation and knowledge before an emergency saves lives.

And those lives might be you or your family


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