Sunday, August 31, 2008

Post #300

Well here it is. #300 with just a bit over 5500 unique visitors to this my humble little blog. I created this blog as an adjunct to my show on BlogTalkRadio. And now to celbrate this and to celebrate the finishing of an epic story I will have my first guest to my humble little show be my next guest. Yes that's right LawDog will be my guest on my show. Sunday Night September 14th at 2300 CDT, that's 11:00 p.m. for those non-military types.

The direct link to the show is

Please come on by and don't forget to call in at 646-478-4628 or oyu can e-mail questions to me to ask at txfellowship at yahoo dot com or send me an IM on yahoo messenger at txfellowship

Hope to see you in the listener logs.


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