Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Working on my cabin

This is what I started with many weeks back

This is after a few hours of work with just me and my 2nd oldest.

Again 2 weeks later, just me and her working.

This is me and my Ex wife helping me.

And finally me my 2 oldest daughters, Ex Wife and good Friend Troy.

I have to shore up the base and get the posts set up to run the 2"X8" floor joists, and I haven't decided if I want to pour Concrete for the main bases yet. But right now 5 grown ups can pick up the whole thing and move it. I still have to get the roof struts in place then I need put in the center beam and start the loft. I still haven't decided if I"m going to side it, or use ferrocrete for the exterior walls.


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