Monday, December 8, 2008

Trying to get things done

and Blog talk won't let me schedule my shows. 2nd day in a row I couldn't schedule my show. I'm starting to get a little miffed. With everything I have going on between driving the kids, the Ex-Wife, the neighbor, the other neighbor plus health problems, driving on average 150 miles a day, and never going more than 40 miles from the house. It's getting real old real quick. Huuummmmmmmmmmm huuummmmmmmmm de-escalate your frustrations, feel the force, Oh, wait wrong movie. Well I've gotten some things done. I've made 4 more pieces of jewelry to sell, I've finally gotten the stupid pinned on compensator off the end of my C91/G-3 clone, just need to put some rounds through it to see if that helps the accuracy, if not it's time for a rebarrel. If it won't do 4 M.O.A. or less at 150 meters with Iron sights, the barrel is G.O.N.E. My SKS gets 6 M.O.A. at 150 so my german clone rifle should get 4. I'm really hoping to get the rifle to do 3-5 at 300 meters however my eyes are NOT that good, so I might have to bite the bullet and look for a decent scope and mount for it.

I'm off to run again, Ex-Wife just called, asking me to pick her up at work. I will be sooooo glad when she gets another car.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds about like when I'd 'lose' my cell phone and just go the range...


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