Tuesday, February 10, 2009


As I sit here and write this. I am in a Severe Thunderstorm warning, the wind is rather bad, vibrating the whole house. Tornados and severe thunderstorms are running through Central and Eastern Oklahoma, Northwest Arkansas and Southwest Missouri. Seems like a perfect time to post this.

This friday 2-13-2009, on my show I will have a few friends from the AlphaRubicon website on the show to discuss the nature of threats which affect us. And the very basics of preparing for them. Later Shows will deal with more detailed information on very specific preparations and needs.

So Please come on by this friday at 11:00 pm CST to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/txfellowship/2009/02/14/Friday-Night-Preparedness-Special-2-13-09

And as usual I will have my Yahoo Messenger turned on if you wish to ask a question that way. My Yahoo Messenger ID is txfellowship and if yo want to add me to your friends list go ahead and I'll add you right back.


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