Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just killed a rattlesnake

One of the things with living in the country is all the creepy crawlies. Such as the 4 foot rattlesnake that scared my 12 year old daughter out of a year or twos growth this evening.

It was in the planter in front of my walkway leading up to my house. As it came up on to the walkway, me and MR Shovel met his neck just behind the head. (do snakes have necks?)

Here I took him up on the front deck to get some better light. He is still moving despite the sudden violent removal of his head.

Layed out with a 5 gallon bucket for size comparison he is about 4 feet long. His rattle now reside in my deepfreeze to be a show and tell project for the kids, the rest of him unfortunately has been disposed of. The Wimmenfolk won't let me cook him up even if rattlesnake IS good eating and tastes like catfish. Women, sometimes you'd think they don't like wildlife.



  1. Cool show n' tell item, glad to hear nobody got really up close and personal with mr. snake!

  2. Nope just me and Mr Shovel :o) until after he was dead, the they all wanted to touch him. I picked up the body and it was still moving and my daughters did that female squeelie thing they do especially when some of the blood got on my arm. I was trying not to laugh so hard it hurt.


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