Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I've been watching the news, and listening to the radio. And more and more each day, I wonder just how long we actually have. How long until the United States becomes not a third world nation but a 4th world nation. A 4th world nation where people become nomadic and living in a hunter gatherer lifestyle. How long until we decay to the point that tribal and religious laws take precedence over our established laws and Constitution. Wahabism and Sharia law do not allow for the freedoms we currently are guaranteed under our Constitution and Bill of Rights. How much time do we have? How much more can we afford to erode our rights, and responsibilities in exchange for the so called safety and security of a Democrat controlled country. Where our debt load becomes so high, that my great great grandchildren will be born into a crushing debt that is not theirs. And the government wants to add more to that. By the time my great greats are born, they may as well be Serfs or Slaves. This is the direction our country is running headlong into. The Global warming alarmists, the spread the wealth liberal politicians, and special interest groups and their supporters. It scares me to see this happening. To see our educational system being systematically destroyed by the very government that is supposed to ensure a proper education for our children.

Read my little links, and realize these are my thoughts, and opinions. And I'm allowed to them under our Constitution, at least until the government or others decide I can't say this anymore.

I love my Country, but I am starting to really fear my Government and it's actions and employees.

So until they come knock on my door or kick it down. I will keep posting what wandering thoughts I may have.


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