Friday, June 19, 2009

Housework today

Well a few months back a friend of mine framed a wall in my house to give my 3 youngest sons their own room. They have been sleeping on couches in the family room for the last 4 years. Well they are getting older and boys being boys, they need to have some privacy, so as to not scandalize any guests I might have over.

My friend Troy framed it for me, last week I put in some shelves, today I started putting up the paneling to back the shelves and close off the boys room.

Even with the air conditioning set to 78 degrees in the house I was burning up. If it weren't for my daughter Melissa's help, I could not have done this. She and her younger brother my oldest son Matthew lugged the panels in for Melissa and I to cut to fit and nail up.

Here you can see into the boys room and see their twin over full bunk beds and one of ther dressers. I put the fan up because I was burning up.

Second panel in place.

A closer look at the shelves which will be filled either with some canned goods or nick-nacks, I haven't decided yet. To bring out the grain in the wood I used my large propane weed burner to burn the wood. When I m done with the wall, I will use the burner on it again, with the fire extinguisher handy to bring out the grain in the panels.

Here you can see the wall is mostly done. I already have a door and frame to install, I just need to go to the hardware store and pick up some wood shims tomorrow, and both of my daughters will have to bring the door and frame in and help me shim it. My large pieces of left over wood paneling will be used on my daughter Melissa's club house and my 2 junked travel trailers for doors.

Tomorrow after I get to he hardware store, I'm taking my ex-wife over to the other piece of property to shoot her new pistol.

Might have a range report if I can remember to bring my camera.


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