Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I somehow ripped the toenail

of my left big toe completely off. I'm not sure how I did it, but I need to quit wearing sandals all the time, and go back to wearing my boots. I would show you a picture of what it looks like but my 15 year old daughter Mary said it's "Nasty" so I won't.

Now normally when someone does something like that, they would be in a LOT of pain. I am not. There is a lot of discomfort, but very little pain. WOW!! you might say. It doesn't deserve a wow though. Because of all my various injuries and accidents through my life I suffer from neuropathy, which means I can severely injure myself in certain parts of my body and I won't even know it or feel it. My feet, my right thigh and forearm, the center of my my back right below the shoulder blades. I have dead spots. I have little or no feeling in those areas. This has come in handy when I've had confrontations in the past when I was working security. People freak out when they stab you in the arm and you don't even flinch, just look at the knife in your arm, then look at them. But when you are trying to get things done around the house, and now you can't because you just hurt yourself and can't risk doing more damage, things like this are a major annoyance.

So tomorrow morning I will be calling the DR, and see if I need to go to a podiatrist for my other toes. I can't risk letting this get out of hand, because I can't FEEL it. This injury untreated or treated improperly could actually cause me to lose my foot.

So if you ever have a small injury, think twice about not seeing your DR. You might be risking more than some discomfort.


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