Friday, July 3, 2009

Governor Sarah Palin is stepping down

as Governor of Alaska. I'm watching her speech as I type this, and while I admire the woman a lot for what she has done, and much of what she stands for. I cannot understand what the heck she is saying. She is jumping around from point to point and her many breaths make it as if she is trying to get her message out before someone cuts off the microphone.

Ok, now it seems as if she is saying, the reason she is resigning because of the FedGov is trying to force the porkulous dollars on her state.

Ok, now she's talking about the ethics complaints.

Get to the point....

now she's talking about her and her husband's financial issues and false accusations.

Ahhh, it's coming to a point. She doesn't feel that she and her staff cannot do their jobs because of all the idiots making accusations they have to then defend against.

Ok, kinda rambling now..........

uhhh, now she seems kinda whiny. I think... hmmmmm...

ok, reference other governors just taking a paycheck and calling in.

Fox just cut off her off.

I'm done.

I think this is rediculous that the politics as usual has hurt the state of Alaska. I don't think Gov. Palin will be putting herself forth in the national political arena after this.


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