Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yuppie 911

This HERE burns my butt and chaps my heinie. With the advent of more affordable personal locator beacons, people who are endangering the lives of themselves and their rescuers, through irresponsible behavior and extremely poor judgment. In addition to the mind-set of these individuals, there is "the boy who called wolf" syndrome added on top of that.

I enjoy hiking and camping. However there is no piece of technology that will let me attempt a trail that I am not competent to to take. Only time and experience can allow me to do that. Yes there are some trails that require a certain level of technology to take, such as ropes, climbing harnesses, pitons, nuts and blocks. A PLB can be a good thing to have for just in case. However it doesn't take the place of simple commonsense or experience.


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