Monday, February 8, 2010

Following on the post below

I started to put together a list of the cars I'd love to own. A few of them I have owned, a few were owned by friends, neighbors or family.

First cars I personally owned.

a 1986 Saab, of course.

Buick Skyhawk. Mine was a blue 1978 with a 4 speed and a 151 in line 4 cylinder

I had a yellow 1972 Beetle. It's license plate ended in NEZ and my father called it the Yellow Nosed Flying Omelet. Nez is french for nose.

Now for what some family members had that I wished I had.

My aunt Fay and Uncle Russ had a green one of these type 3 VW's.

My cousin Rex had one of these VW Microbuses.

Now for what some friends and neighbors had that I would love to get.

A friends dad had a Morris Minor Mini. I loved to go for a ride with them on the weekends. The car was nimble and fun, but a bit tight in the back seat. what little there was of it.

Another friend of mine, his neighbor had one of these Ford Model A pickup truck. It wasn't in as good shape as this one, but it ran, and got used every weekend.

The same neighbor also had one of these. a 1940 Packard, which was his daily driver. It's paint and upholstery were faded but it ran good.

A girl I used to date many many years ago, had one of these. Hers was a 1974 VW Thing. It's roof leaked, it needed lots of work, but it ALWAYS started.

This last one is one I've only ridden in once when my parents took my brohters and I to the UK for Christmas vacation. I"ve wanted one ever since.

A London taxicab. I can do without the for hire signage. But the "boot" is what made me want one.

What are your dream cars? Let me know in the comment section.


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