Thursday, March 11, 2010

For Weber Fans Everywhere.

I've heard through a connection of mine that David Weber's Honor Harrington novels are being brought to the big screen. They have finalized some of the cast, and I think they got a few of them dead on.

Michael Janvier Baron High Ridge, the Prime Minister will be performed by:

Barack Hussein Obama

Countess New Kiev, head of the Liberal Party will be performed by:

Nancy Pelosi

Lady Elaine Descroix, will be performed by:

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Reginald Houseman will be performed by:

Harry Reid

Prescott (Scotty) Tremaine will be performed by:

Scott Brown

Earl White Haven Admiral of the Green Hamish Alexander will be performed by:

General David Petraeus

And Admiral of the Red, Lady Dame Honor Stephanie Harrington/ Steadholder Harringtonwill be performed by:

Sarah Louise Palin

Tell me what you think?


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