Friday, May 14, 2010

My Apologies

For not updating this more often. I have a lot on my plate, remodeling in my house, my kids last few weeks of school plus ill health. Combined have conspired to make me rather lazy about updating this blog. I will tell you I will be posting some video's of my kids concerts on youtube soon, so you will be seeing those. I just have to finish editing them first so I can upload them. Plus I need to get a new router, my old linksys wireless router has been resetting itself about twice a week wiping out my network here at the house. I do have another newer router here. Somewhere..... Being the operative word.

Also Tim over at Operation Rooster is revamping his website, so I won't have his updates for my show until he is done. So please bear with me while I get things organized to the point I'm not trying to catch every other second.


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