Friday, August 13, 2010

Obama backs mosque near ground zero

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Friday forcefully endorsed allowing a mosque near ground zero, saying the country's founding principles demanded no less.

Excuse me? What? He says that the Muslim Islamic Center and Mosque can be built next to what for Americans has become Holy Ground. Ground Zero. Where 3000 people died. Killed by the Actions of "Muslim" Terrorists.

Has he lost his mind? Or is he really a Muslim masquerading as a Christian? Hmmmm, well he did sit in the front row of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church, listening for years to his extremist anti-white, anti-american diatribes. I have yet to see a picture of him actually bowing his head in prayer or going to something like, ohhhh The National Prayer Breakfast. I have seen photos of him removing his shoes to pray with Muslims. I have seen him snub christian organizations to go be a TV show which for the most part features a group of liberal rabidly left females.

It seems to me, that the Democrat party doesn't have it's Democrat President like it thought. It has a radical who wants to destroy the very system of values which has made this one of the greatest free countries in the world.


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