Sunday, January 9, 2011

With the shooting in Arizona

I have been hearing references to Sarah Palin, Vitriolic Political Discussion, Tea Party Activists, Right Wing Extremists and many other things. All of them to shift the blame from the individual who is actually 100% responsible for the action, to other persons or ideas for a political talking point. Also I am tired of hearing the shooter, who I refuse to name here, referred to as "The Suspected Shooter" There is no "Suspected" He was caught in the act, dozens of witnesses, there is no suspected about it. I honestly don't even see the need for anything more than a perfunctory trail, How do you plead? Innocent by reason of insanity? Good you will be held until you are sane and then you will be executed by hanging,. Plead Guilty? You have a choice, hanging or a firing squad, sentence to be carried out in 10 minutes, in public, broadcast nationwide. No appeals, no one filing motions on your behalf for clemency.

And for those talking heads, and political spin doctors looking for political leverage, shut up. I don't want to hear you. I don't care about what you think or have to say. Six people including a child are dead, you should be praying for the families of the dead and injured and nothing else should be coming out of your mouths.

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