Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is President Obama even relevant any more?

With leaks about how Leon Pannetta, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates and Bill Dayley, did an end run around President Obama and the interference of his advisor Valerie Jarrett. To the flubbed time line of events. To the various gaffs over the protests in Egypt. To his actions and comments on the Libyan revolt. President Obama is so far out of the loop and realm of reality, it is no longer even funny. Alienating our allies, real and putative. And even his own supporters are more and more disappointed with him.

Is he relevant any more?

When his own cabinet, goes out of it's way to present him with a fait accompli in the assault to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden, something is seriously wrong with the picture. His own putative allies are marginalizing him, and going and doing their own things in such a way he cannot interfere with them. Does he even know what is supposedly being done at his direction? What about the layers over oversight that is supposed to keep things like that from happening? Well if the over-seers are the ones doing the deeds, there will be no oversight. That's right, the people Obama hired to help him run the country are doing everything they can to go around him. Shows you the kind of trust that's going on in the cabinet.

So President Obama has to take a good long hard look at what is going on around him, and decide a few things. Is he going to continue to be marginalized by the members of his cabinet by listening to bad advice from people who have an agenda which is their own? If not, he needs to decide how he is going to change the equation and take back control of his cabinet and this country.

Unfortunately, I don't see President Barrack H. Obama as having the guts to do what needs to be done. If he did his cabinet would never have had to resort to the means they did to take out Osama Bin Laden. They would have gone in his office, said, "We know where Bin Laden is" And he would have said, "Take him out, NOW." We now know that it did not happen that way, and it makes me very sad to think that soon this great country of ours is going to feel the effects of his lackluster performance of his duties.

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