Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Welp, 43 years ago

I was born in St. Mary's hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. I am what and who I am today, because of my parents and family. I have always known that I was loved by my parents, no matter how stupid a thing I did. They always supported me even when they thought I was nuts because of some of the things I did. I owe them more than I could ever hope to repay.

My father passed away in February 2004, after a fall on some ice. His brain was badly damaged. And rather than letting him suffer, possibly as a person trapped inside his own head, my mother, brothers and I decided to let my father go. My mother and I were with him when he finally let go and left his mortal, fragile body behind. The brilliant mind that had once inhabited it was then free to join his mother and father in Our Lords Grace. I miss my father every day. His intelligence, his conversational skills, his unflagging love I know he had for me.

My mother still lives. She lives about 3 streets over from me. After my father died, I saw her trying to put together a life for herself without my dad. I know it was hard for her. And even with a few missteps here and there she has built a new life, and has found someone to share her life with again.

Her fiance isn't my father, but he is a good man. A man I know my father would approve of. He like my father has worked hard all of his life, and he treats my mother with the love and respect she deserves. I'm glad he is in her life, and I proud to know him as a friend.

On this, the start of the 44th year of my time on this great creation of our Lord's. I find myself glad with the way my life has gone, and sad at the heartbreak within it. But I wouldn't change it, because it is what has made me what I am today. A father of 7 kids who I love with all my heart even though there are time I want to strangle them. I wouldn't give them up for anything. Not even my own life. I just hope that my children know that I love them as much as I know that my mother and father have always loved me.

So now I start another year of my life. I am broken in a few places, but I will carry on as best I can. So my children will know that I love them, and I will always love them.

God Bless everyone in this creation that the Lord has provided for us. My his blessings be with you in your life and your family's lives always.


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