Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I don't think I can take any more of this. The lies, the frustrations, the misdirections and obfuscation.

I'm talking about.........

The Main Stream (Lame Stream) Media.

Weinergate is just the latest. The attacks on Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, on ANY Conservative, be they a Republican or a Democrat. The lack of coverage of LEGITIMATE news stories for partisan means. Where is the media with the wildfires in Texas, the tornadoes in Missouri and elsewhere? A brief 30 second bite and then on to just how our great leader is trying to save the planet and his voting bloc. Where are the real hard hitting questions on unemployment? On the health care "Mandate"? Rising fuel costs? Inflation which the government is denying but hits me every time I go to the grocery store, or to the gas station.


Yes Fox News does cover a lot of these stories, but Fox ie: Faux, News has credibility issues. What credibility issues? You ask. Most younger voters believe the LSM lie about how Fox, I'm sorry, let me get it right, Faux News is so biased they couldn't tell you the sky is blue without lying.

The perception is there, fostered by the connivance of the rest of the media and the liberal left politicians. The Whitehouse's war on Fox News to label them as "Not a news organization" only fell apart when the other media outlets stood up to the Whitehouse and say "Oh, no you DON'T" they actually grew a backbone. The problem is, it withered away and the other media outlets resumed their jellyfish imitations. The Whitehouse doesn't like a reporter's story, so they get kicked out of the press pool. When will it end? When all the reporters are locked in a closet? Ooops That already happened.

The Media needs to quit being afraid of losing their access to the Whitehouse, and start worrying about doing their jobs. A reporter is supposed to go after the story, the WHOLE story. Not just the parts that look good to their preferred political ally or allies.

Otherwise, they might find themselves as obsolete as the print news is rapidly finding itself.


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