Monday, October 24, 2011

Cross Country

Saturday, my youngest daughter aka Sprog #4, ran in her last cross country meet of the season.

It started out bright and early at the park about 25 miles away from home. The birds in the lake were looking around at all the people suddenly showing up so early.

They looked at everyone and tried to do their normal routine.

But the people kept coming and making more and more noise

They finally started herding their little ones out of the small lake and into the bushes and shrubbery around the lake.

Here is my #4 child, youngest (and third) Daughter, in her cross country uniform. Doesn't she look happy dad is taking her picture?

Here is her grade group (8th Grade) getting ready to start.

I actually got it right as the starter fired the starting pistol, I'm surprised I actually got it.


Here she is coming around the back of the front section of the 2 miles course. Only 1.5 miles to go.

Here she is coming off the back portion of the course, only .25 miles left to the finish line.

I was unable to get to the finish line because of how decrepit I am, but here is the Middle school team, 7th graders in front 8th graders in back. She finished 15th out of 27 and improved her time by a minute and 8 seconds. I'm very proud of her. The head coach said if she continues to work out, she has a place on the junior varsity team next year.

And this picture she had to take as it was while we were walking back to the van she saw a family of bears on the side of the road. So of course she had to take their picture

Her team took 2nd place Saturday, and came in 3rd place for the entire season out of 9 schools. I am very proud of her, and I think she will do very well next year in athletics.

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