Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Employment/Educational divide

Reuters has a story posted in Yahoo news about the lack of qualified manufacturing job applicants.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. manufacturers are failing to fill thousands of vacant jobs, surprising when 14 million people are searching for work."

So many US Manufacturing Jobs , So few skilled workers

The problem according to the article has become more acut in the last 3 years. Last 3 years? Hmmm somehow that has a significance. As more and more people are graduating with a liberal arts degree, many businesses are clamoring for qualified and experienced engineers, machine operators you know "Skilled" applicants. Many of the "Occupy" idiots are recent Liberal Arts Graduates who have no, ZERO, NONE actual real world skills. Yet they expect someone to hand them a high paying job directly out of school. When the reality of that not happening hits them, you have these selfsame "Liberal Arts" grad in the streets protesting.

Part of this is the educational systems fault. They are not keeping up with the times, teaching a skill set this is a few years behind the current technology curve. Once again according to the article, fewer math and science graduates are graduating each year. And those are areas in very high demand. An engineering graduate with some real world experience can expect a job paying from 65,000 to 90,00 a year straight out of school. That is if they are willing to make a few sacrifices, such as moving to where the job is, and actually working in the field or on the production room floor. That is a heck of a lot better than making 14,000 to 22,000 a year at a fast food restaurant or a big-box store.

Thousands of jobs are out there for the right qualified person. The problem is the slackers sitting in front of Wall Street and in the various downtown area, don't want to actually work. They want everything handed to them on a silver platter.

"Give me this give me that, I don't want to be responsible for my own actions"

Sounds like a bunch of spoiled rotten kids to me, who are now throwing a tantrum because they didn't get what they wanted. They want a good paying job, but their degree is in a subject that no one currently hiring needs. They want their loans paid off, oh they are in so much debt getting their degree. Why won't someone pay it all off for them so they don't actually have to, you know, work.

And the liberal education institute, keeps taking their money and cranking them out, while telling them, "You are owed something because you have this piece of paper that will be worthless in the real world"

Uh huh. They are owed something all right a swift kick in the pa toot for actually believing those socialist in their school.

I'm done for now.

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