Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I don't think that means what you think it means.

Evidently "Reality" has bit them in the tuckus and they don't like it. Well I'm sorry, that is what happens in the real world. So put on your big boy underwear and your big girl panties, and deal with it.

h/t Ace

My thoughts on this are as such:

You are not guaranteed a job on graduation, so watch out how much debt you take on to buy that education.

You are not guaranteed the job you got your degree for, so be sure it's the right degree.

You are not guaranteed that even if you find a job in the field you want, and the pay is decent, that you still won't blow your money on stupid things instead of paying down your debt.

You are not guaranteed that someone will hold your hand and wipe your nose and bottom when you make a boo-boo or a mess.

You are not guaranteed that your boss will spend his profits, you know the reason he or she is business in the first place for, to better your life instead of theirs.

Now here are a few things that ARE guaranteed.

You are guaranteed that if you bust your butt and work hard. You will "EARN" an honest wage. It may not be the wage you think you deserve, but it will be an honest one.

You are guaranteed that if you look professional and act professional most people will treat you as a professional.

You are guaranteed that if you give respect to others, most will give it back to you.

You are guaranteed that life may not be fair, but everything is on the wheel and it WILL come around in the end, whether you are there to see it or not.

You are guaranteed that if you do good work, you will be recognized. Whether that recognition is from where or who you want it from, well that's NOT guaranteed.

And the most important thing, you are guaranteed that if you whine and moan and complain about hard life is, and camp out in the street to "protest" how you feel, and and demand what you "think" you are owed, you will get nothing but ridicule and derision from the vast majority of people who are still busting their butts and providing for themselves and their families.

(Just in case someone tries to wipe out the so-called demands I went to Freezepage.com and had their site take a snapshot of the entire page including the comments up to about 12:50 p.m. on October 11, 2011,which is visible at http://www.freezepage.com/1318355537WGMFGJWONA so later on they can't say, "Oh, we never said that." Right, like anyone other than the MSM and the Liberal left will believe that.)

So please get off your high horses and actually start trying to HELP resolve the situation. Instead of taking up space, making a mess and showing the rest of the world just how uncouth you actually are. ( and please check out all the links. I could have made every single letter a link to a news story or video, but I got tired of all the typing.)

So as you see, YOU are part of the Problem. You know the old saying.....

If you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Well you are definitely part of the problem. You are being used. Your anger and frustration are being directed at the very establishments that create most of the jobs in this country. And before you say that I am a shill for the right wing conservative conspiracy, HERE is ANOTHER link for you to check out.

Tell me that you aren't being used.

Tell me, who has more to gain from your civil disobedience and protests.

Use that thing on top of your shoulders as something other than a place to park a pair of sunglasses or a hat on.

Do you honestly believe you are hurting the major institutions?

Do you honestly believe for one second that they actually CARE about what you have to say?

The only thing you've done to them is made them come in the back entrance or use the helicopter to get to their office, if they even went there. Or they could have used your actions as an excuse to take a vacation, taking their $$ outside of the country and spending it to stimulate someone else's economy.

Please get real, wake up and smell the coffee, oh excuse me the Latte'.

You people are nothing but little tools for the left wing and when they are done using you up, they will discard you like a dull razor.

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