Friday, October 7, 2011

It has started

The Democrats are already starting the play to ensure Barrack Obama retains the Presidency. With their assault on Justice Clarence Thomas, they hope to be able to either force him to recuse himself from any litigation as it refers to the upcoming presidential election, or to have him impeached so they can attempt to stack the Supreme Court with their own nominee. To see the start of this fight go here. This is just the opening shot of the battle for the Democrats to maintain control of the White House. With the upcoming election you know that there will be lawsuits filed. Just as in the Florida recounts there will be lawsuits and recounts, and voter fraud.

So the Democrats are attempting to head off the challenges beforehand by getting rid of Justice Thomas, so they can stack the court our if they can't get rid of him throw enough mud his way that he would be forced to recuse himself, giving them an edge with the court.

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