Monday, October 10, 2011

Uhhhh, Really?

When a Civil Rights hero and Congressman get dissed THIS badly by the uniformed mindless zombie sheeple, who think that their protest actually means something, it shows me that their beliefs now means nothing to me. These individuals evidently were badly ill served by their education, if they graduated from any school of higher learning, that school should have it's accreditation revoked. You do NOT treat people who were on the cusp of the Civil Rights movement and one of the Freedom Riders, as if they are inconsequential know nothings. This man had his skull beaten in by Alabama troopers for daring to stand up for what he believes in. Almost every day of his life during the fight for Civil Rights, this man was assaulted, denigrated, threatened and a host of other abuses upon his dignity and his very life. And THESE IDIOTS treated such a man as lower than trash. He deserves respect as a Congressman granted, but he deserves MUCH MUCH more, because his actions during the Civil Rights Movement, the blood he and countless others spilled, the untold deaths and outright MURDERS, brought about the political situation so these IDIOTS can even hold their "Protest". I am sorry, for their actions, these, I won't even allow them the dignity of being a member of my species, these, sub-human misanthropes need to treated like a mad pet, neutered or spayed before they can cause a population explosion of their idiocy and stupidity, if not being euthanized for the betterment of man-kind.

Congressman Lewis, you have my utmost and humble regards, and even though you and I are 180 degrees opposite politically I would still find myself to be honored in your very presence, and more than honored to ever be allowed to hear you speak publicly. You Sir are a living example of the American dream that those guttersnipes seek to tear down and destroy out of their own selfishness and ignorance.

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