Monday, October 17, 2011

The Zombie Apocalypse is here

For proof you need only turn on the Television and watch the news, or open a newspaper or weekly news magazine.


Here it is.

How else can you explain a bunch of people who have become the brain drain of our society? Rather than becoming responsible, contributing members of the American way of life, they demand free this, free that and someone to take care of them. In other words they are unthinking programmed Zombies, who are attempting to eat the seed corn of this country to make their lives a little easier.

I've got news for you folks, even if you got everything you asked for, inside of 6 months you will have nothing. No food, no money, no I-phone, no nothing. When you eat your seed corn, you don't have anything to plant to grow the next crop. And without that next crop you have famine and death.

But you don't see it that way. You want to take from those who have worked, those who are the means of generating wealth and prosperity in this country, and you want to punish them because they dare to rise above you. So you want to tear them down and destroy them. What happens when there is no one else to tear down? What happens when there are no more job producers in this country? What happens when there are No Jobs?

Think about it.

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