Friday, November 4, 2011

Canadian Shale oil to China instead of the U.S.?

Go read about this. Then come back.

Excuse me Mr. President, how is this supposed to help your constituents? You know Real Americans? The ones who are trying to put food on the family table, pay their bills and you know, live? How can higher prices for fuel help me? I have 7 children and I can barely afford to cover all of their necessary expenses now. I just had to pay 160.00 to get my daughters flute fixed, oh the flute is a luxury? Not to her and not to me. That flute and her skillful playing of it might just help her get a scholarship for her to go to a school I can in no way afford. However the trip to the music store to pick it up cost me almost $20.00 in gas. That same amount of gas before you came to office cost me $12.00 That is an $8.00 difference. $8.00 is enough to buy dinner for myself and all 7 of my children. Or it was before food costs started going up because of increased fuel costs. So now a meal for myself and my kids costs almost $13.00. Another $5.00 taken out of my budget. Mr. President do you really even care about the average people? Or was that just a campaign slogan? You constantly talk about helping the disadvantaged people, well here I am I am disadvantaged. I am disabled through no fault of my own. I have steel plates in my back from a fall at work, I have a lot of nerve damage, I have since herniated 2 more discs in my back and neck because I seem to keep falling down, since my balance has gone to hell since my surgery. My work-comp case has been on-going since 2004 and still has not gone to court. Yes that's right, 7 years going on 8 come next february, and I am still fighting the insurance company and the work comp division. I'm not rich, I'm not one of the 99%. I was a person who worked 40-50 hours a week at a job I enjoyed, that paid all of my bills, put food on my family's table, clothes on my children's back and a little extra in my pocket. And ever day you futz around and dither makes my costs on everything go up. Which means I have less and less available to provide for my children. And "YOU" blame me and people like me for problems "YOU" and "YOUR" minions and "YOUR" policies have created and continue to create. You're right. There is a problem in America. And you are the one causing it.

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