Friday, November 4, 2011

The Ulsterman has the Washington Insider back

"Author’s Note: This interview was originally divided into three parts with an initial publication of August 15th. Due to repeated requests, we are now making it available here in its entirety. This interview is the first face to face sit down in months with our longtime D.C. political operative we have come to simply call “Insider”. They offer up a unique perspective and insight based upon their decades-long experience as a D.C. insider working within the highest levels of government – including helping to elect Barack Obama in 2008. WARNING: Adult Content"

"Ulsterman: It’s been a while hasn’t it? Face to face that is.

Insider: Yes it has. Been busy. Tired. Loving it though. I really do love this. All of this. Gonna miss it. And we have made so much progress. Incredible progress.

Ulsterman: How so? Eric Holder remains at the DOJ. Barack Obama remains president.

Insider: Really? That’s how you put it to me? Holder is at the DOJ – for now. For now, right? Open your eyes. Holder is getting absolutely slammed at every turn. We got people in Congress calling for full investigations now. Calling for Holder to step down. Calling for f***ing justice! You didn’t see that last year. You didn’t see that before we started all of this. Something like that doesn’t happen in days or weeks, or even a month or two. It takes f***ing time. Who else pointed to the DOJ and said THERE IS THE SCANDAL. Who else? Nobody but me. I gave you that. On a f***ing platter I gave you that. So don’t come here now on my invite and point at me and say there hasn’t been any progress. ERIC HOLDER IS GOING DOWN. Ok? It’s happening. Right before our f***ing eyes. And like I’ve always told you, Holder is the Obama firewall. Holder is the stop-gap to everything. Every f***ing thing. You head up the DOJ you can pretty much stamp out 99% of anything coming at a president. Do you understand that? I know—"


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